Weapons Policy

Please take a moment to read the letter from the
Assistant Superintendent Pertaining to the Weapons Policy
Dear Parent / Guardian,
Please take a moment to speak with your child about the importance of the district's weapons policy. The district policy states:
"The Board prohibits students from possessing and bringing weapons and replicas of weapons into any school district buildings, onto school property, to any school-sponsored activity, and onto any public vehicle providing transportation to school or a school-sponsored activity."
This policy may include toys, or other inappropriate items, which are brought in to school or items found on the way to school. Please reinforce with your child that these items are not permitted in school and could lead to a serious consequence. Any items which are accidentally brought into by students must be immediately reported to a staff member to avoid potential consequences. Any items seen on the way to or from school should be left alone and reported to a staff member or parent.
The district thanks you in advance for helping us make our communities safer places. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's principal or a central office administrator.
Jeffrey M. Ryan
Assistant Superintendent
Southeast Delco School District

Please take a moment to read the information provided through the Sharon Hill Handbook (p. 17) / District Policy as it pertains to the Weapons Policy.
Violence to another person or property posing a direct threat to the safety of others and is clearly criminal in nature may include but is not limited to the following:
Possession, use and / or transfer of weapons (real, fake or suggestive of) (Act 256 of 1995)
Sale and / or transfer of unauthorized substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chemicals, etc.)
Major theft (includes possession and / or sale of stolen property)
Arson in or around school buildings or on school buses
Tampering with fire alarms and / or extinguishers
False fire alarms and / or bomb threats
Breaking and entering
Assault / battery to teachers and other students
Any other criminal acts committed at school or during school related activities