Parent Connection

Parent Connection Night
On Thursday evening, November 6th, 2014, The Parenting Connection at Harris School held a meeting using the theme Homework Help. We invited the Collingdale Library representative to speak to our parents about the wonderful offerings that the library system can offer. If a student is in need of homework help, they can go to the Delaware County Library system (Delaware County Libraries) where they can find a link to tutoring/help. It is available from 2 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. In addition, Monica and Dawn, our speakers, told us about the thousands of books available for free checkout by both children and adults and how everyone in Delaware County can obtain their very own library card. Once they have their cards, they can access any library in Delaware County. There are also computers available for free as well, which are provided by the Gates Foundation. Think of the research that a student could do just spending an hour at the library!! In addition, it is a safe place for students to go when there is no one at home.
Two of our wonderful teachers also spoke on the topic of homework help, informing parents of how they can be of help to their children by creating quite, designated spaces where homework is consistently done. They were alerted to the fact that their children all have agenda books, in which they can find assignments for the day. The parents asked wonderful questions, our teachers were generous with their time and advice, providing most of all, the invitation to all parents to be in touch with their child's teachers with any concerns.
Parents are as important to the growth and running of a school as the students and teachers, and we welcome all parents to join us at our next Parenting Connection meeting. Flyers will be sent home before each event.